進入Ending S 方法:
完成所有case, 並且係Case 7 俾Zombrex TK
Look at All That Juice
Masquerade (Have 10 zombies with masks on at once)
Improper Behavior (All Zombrex Posters)
Curiously Inventive (All Hidden Combo Cards) + Tape it Or DIE! (秘密成就)
Stick 'em up! (Stick it to a zombie by covering him in weapons and objects!)
Skill to Survive (馴服老虎)
快速搵錢方法 (帶3本書去大型老虎機)
updated at 10-16
Smashy - Smash 100 zombies using the Smash skill move
He Hasn’t Covered Wars… - Use every type of firearm on a zombie
Explosive Temper - Use every type of explosive on a zombie
Head Trauma - Use every type of melee weapon on a zombie
Death From Afar - Use every type of ranged weapon on a zombie
Slaughter – S = Laughter! - Use every type of novelty weapon on a zombie
Come On! Follow Me! - Escort 8 survivors at once
要留意只能夠有8個生環者同時出現, 即係如果有7個人既MISSION已經出現, 剩低D 2個生環者既MISSION永遠都唔會出現, 咁你就永遠無可能解除成就