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Trophy Guide:
RESIDENT EVIL 6 Platinum Trophy
Congratulations! You've overcome all your fears in RESIDENT EVIL 6!
The Longest Night
Complete The Tutorial.
Just as it says, complete the tutorial with Leon and Helena.
Gone to Hell
Complete Chapter 1 in Leons campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Buried Secrets
Complete Chapter 2 in Leons campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Get on the Plane
Complete Chapter 3 in Leons campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Big Trouble in China
Complete Chapter 4 in Leons Campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
The Trouble with Women
Complete Chapter 5 in Leons Campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Rescue the Hostages
Complete Chapter 1 in Chris' campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Tragedy in Europe
Complete Chapter 2 in Chris' campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
After Her!
Complete Chapter 3 in Chris' campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
There's Always Hope
Complete Chapter 4 in Chris' campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Duty Calls
Complete Chapter 5 in Chris' campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Money Talks
Complete Chapter 1 in Jake's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
A Revolting Development
Complete Chapter 2 in Jake's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Let's Blow This Joint
Complete Chapter 3 in Jake's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Still on the Run
Complete Chapter 4 in Jake's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
See You Around
Complete Chapter 5 in Jake's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
I Spy
Complete Chapter 1 in Ada's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Complete Chapter 2 in Ada's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
This Takes Me Back
Complete Chapter 3 in Ada's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Ada's Demise
Complete Chapter 4 in Ada's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
What's Next?
Complete Chapter 5 in Ada's campaign.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Green around the Ears
Complete the entire game on Amateur.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Normal Is Good
Complete the entire game on Normal.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Back in My Day
Complete the entire game on Veteran.
Please refer to "Leave it to the Pro".
Leave It to the Pro
Complete the entire game on Professional.
This is earned by completing all chapters of all 4 campaigns on Professional. Difficulty trophies do stack so you can start Professional from get go. Although as I stated in the Road Map, it is best to go through on Normal first to get a feeling for the game and earn some Skill Points to put towards Skills that will help you a great deal in Pro, such as Infinite Ammo, Increased Item Drop and Defence Up Lv.3
I Prefer Them Alive
Rescue two female survivors at the cathedral.
Obtained in Chapter 2 of Leon's Campaign when you fight the boss that comes from under the statue. There really isn't much of a strategy for this thing just kill it as fast as you can. Incendiary Grenade's and Remote Bomb's seem to do a nice chunk of Damage to it though. There is a Video below encase you want one
Resident Evil 6: I Prefer Them Alive Achievement/Trophy Guide - YouTube | |
Credit to Youtube User: Kal_El
Flying Ace
Pilot the VTOL without getting a scratch on it.
Obtained in Chapter 4 of Chris's Campaign and make sure you're playing as Chris. There isn't much I can say other then use the dodge function a lot to avoid missiles, Watch the video below to help get a feel for how this section plays out.
Resident Evil 6 - Flying Ace Trophy / Achievement Guide - YouTube | |
Credit to Youtube User: PowerPyx
Hard Choice
Shoot the helicopter pilot with a Magnum at point-blank range.
Obtained in Chapter 4 of Jake's Campaign and make sure you're playing as Jake. Make sure that you have some ammo for your Elephant Killer Magnum as this is the gun you'll kill the pilot with. When you get to area after the first Helicopter fight Sherry will mention Chris is fighting the Helicopter above and you should help. Run to the ladder on your right and climb up, from here go right and swing across the gap. Now climb both ladders so you on are the highest roof top. From here you will want your Elephant Killer Magnum out, as soon as the Helicopter is above you look for a rope and press to interact with it and climb up.
Below is a video if you need help
Resident Evil 6 - Hard Choice Trophy / Achievement Guide - YouTube | |
Credit to Youtube User: PowerPyx
Sneaking Around
Get through the aircraft carrier's bridge area without being noticed.
This can be very tricky to explain, the best bet is to watch the video below and follow it exactly, and if you get caught save and quit and select the level again from chapter select.
Resident Evil 6 - Sneaking Around Trophy / Achievement Guide - YouTube | |
Credit to Youtube User: PowerPyx
Collect all the serpent emblems.
Now there are some Serpent Emblems that can only be accessed with certain Characters. I'll list below what Characters are needed for which missions, but the videos below will be your main source for locations.
Leon Chapter 1 = Leon or Helena
Leon Chapter 2 = Leon or Helena
Leon Chapter 3 = Leon or Helena
Leon Chapter 4 = Leon or Helena
Leon Chapter 5 = Leon or Helena
Chris Chapter 1 = Chris or Piers
Chris Chapter 1 = Piers
Chris Chapter 1 = Chris or Piers
Chris Chapter 1 = Piers
Chris Chapter 1 = Chris or Piers
Jake Chapter 1 = Sherry
Jake Chapter 2 = Jake or Sherry
Jake Chapter 3 = Jake
Jake Chapter 4 = Sherry
Jake Chapter 5 = Jake or Sherry
Ada Chapter 1 = Ada
Ada Chapter 2 = Ada
Ada Chapter 3 = Ada
Ada Chapter 4 = Ada
Ada Chapter 5 = Ada
Gamesradar have done a guide both with text and video for those who want one.
Gamesradar: Resident Evil 6 serpent emblem locations guide
And below is a video only guide for those who want that also.
Resident Evil 6 - All Serpent Emblem Locations - Leon's Campaign (Heirlooms Trophy / Achievement) - YouTube | |
Resident Evil 6 - All Serpent Emblem Locations - Chris' Campaign (Heirlooms Trophy / Achievement) - YouTube | |
Resident Evil 6 - All Serpent Emblem Locations - Jake's Campaign (Heirlooms Trophy / Achievement) - YouTube | |
Resident Evil 6 - All Serpent Emblem Locations - Ada's Campaign (Heirlooms Trophy / Achievement) - YouTube | |
Credit to Youtube User: PowerPyx
They're ACTION Figures!
Collect 3 figures.
You will unlock Figures by collecting Emblems throughout the game. But to unlock the trophy you have to go into the Collections Menu to see how many you have. To access the Title Menu, Select "Special Features" then "Collections" Once you have 5 and access this menu the Trophy will pop.
Covered in Brass
Earn 150 different medals.
There are more then 150 Medals in the game spanning across the Campaign, Agent Hunt Mode and The Mercenaries, Use this Thread to see what Medals there are and how to unlock them
Medal List Thread
Check Out My Dogs
Customize your dog tags.
You'll be able to Customize your dog tags after beating the Prologue/Tutorial, From the Main Menu Select "Play Game" then "Dog Tags". You'll be given 3 options of Customization.
Template - These are unlocked for each Campaign Chapter you beat.
Emblem - These are unlocked for each Trophy you earn.
Title - These are unlocked for each for various tasks in game. I.E. Running a certain distance, Kills with Weapons or Sliding into Boxes.
Titular Achievement
Earn 10 different titles.
These are unlocked for each for various tasks in game. I.E. Running a certain distance, Kills with Weapons or Sliding into Boxes. To pop the trophy you'll need to access the Title Menu by Selecting "Play Game" then "Dog Tags" then "Titles". Once you have 10 and access this menu the Trophy will pop.
[B]Rising Up[B]
Earn a level-four title.
Each Title you unlock has a total of 4 teirs to it, Please refer to this thread for Title Levels (Thread to Come)
One Is Better Than None
Purchase one skill.
Please refer to "Mad Skillz".
Mad Skillz
Max out all the skills that allow you to level up.
To access the Skill Menu, Select "Play Game" then "Campaign" then "Skill Settings"
While playing through each of the Campaigns can get you between 40 - 80k Skill points a run, it is still a very big grind.But below is a Video for a Quick and easy 20k Run in 8 Mins
Resident Evil 6 Fastest Skill Farming
Credit to Youtube User: zerolimitz12
Also user gtasthehunter has made a nice little chart to show you what the Skills will set you back
Skill List Thread
Weapons Master
Use all the weapons in the game and kill ten enemies with each of them.
Below is a list of all weapons in the game (take from RE.net)
Nine-Oh-Nine (909) - Chris/Jake
Picador - Helena
Wing Shooter - Leon
Shotgun - Leon/Helena/Jake/Sherry
Assault Shotgun - Chris/Peirs/Ada
Hydra - Helena
Lightning Hawk - Leon/Helena
Elephant Killer - Jake/Sherry
Sniper Rifle - Jake/Sherry/Ada
Semi-Automatic SR - Leon/Helena/Chris/Piers
Anti-Materiel Rifle - Piers
Ammo Box 50 - Ada
Triple Shot - Sherry
MP-AF (Machine Pistol - Accurate Fire) - Piers
Assault Rifle for Special Tactics - Chris
Bear Commander - Jake/Sherry/Ada
Assault Rifle RN - Leon/Helena
Grenade Launcher - Chris/Piers
Hand Grenade - All Characters
Incendiary Grenade - All Characters
Flash Grenade - All Characters
Remote Bomb - All Characters
Crossbow - Ada
Survival Knife - Leon
Combat Knife - Chris
Stun Rod - Sherry
Rocket Launcher - Lean/Helena
Gun Turret - All Characters
For Leon and Helena, Chapter 2 before the Cathedral has a ton of Zombies to farm on.
For Chris and Piers, Chapter 4 in the Main Hold has a lot of enemies.
For Jake and Sherry, Chapter 3 is rather short and has a good amount of enemies.
For Ada, Chapter 1 if you set of the alarms there is a good amount of enemies.
Other then those locations I recommend The Mercenaries as you have to kill a set amount of enemies to complete the mode
Defeat 20 enemies with the Hydra using a quick shot.
For this you need to be Helena, Press and at the same time to do a Quickshot. As the Hydra has very short range but a wide spread it is best doing this up close and personal.
Bring the Heat
Take down an enemy from 50 meters away with a headshot using the thermal scope.
For this you need to be Piers, Now while in Chris Chapter 2 at the start get out your Anti-Materiel Rifle out and press and hold and then press , this will active the Thermal Scope. Stay as far back as you can and look towards the bridge up ahead there should be a few enemies around it, try and take one out at that distance.
High Voltage
Defeat ten enemies with a stun rod charge attack.
For this you need to be Sherry, Press and hold and then Press and Hold . This will charge the Stun Rod walk towards an enemy and release to strike with it. Do this 10 times total for your trophy
Zombie Massacre
Defeat 500 zombies.
Zombies are found through out Leons and Ada's Campaign's, you will unlock this as you progress through your playthroughs
J'avo Genocide
Defeat 500 J'avo.
J'avo are found through out Chris's, Jake's and Ada's Campaign's, you will unlock this as you progress through your playthroughs
B.O.W.s Are Ugly
Defeat 100 enemies that have come out of a chrysalid.
chrysalid are found through out All Characters Campaign's, you will unlock this as you progress through your playthroughs
Finish What You Start
Perform a coup de grâce on ten enemies.
To preform a coup de grâce you need to fist Stun/Stagger and enemy. This is usually best done by shooting their legs or head, Once you see them Stunned or staggering run up to them and press this will preform a quick finish melee kill. Do this 10 times total
Bob and Weave
Counter an enemy's attack three times in row.
When being attacked by an enemy you will have a chance to counter their attacks by pressing , doing so at the right time will trigger a quick event where you will attack the enemy usually resulting in its death. Do this 3 times in a row.
Down, Not Out
Defeat an enemy while dying, then recover without any help.
Once you lose all your health you will be laying down on your back, you can crawl and use the last weapon you had in hand. If you press your partner will aid you. But you will want to avoid doing that. Try to kill the enemy that downed you and crawl away while avoiding being hit. You can also purchase the Skill Lone Wolf which will help with this as your partner will not come to your aid.
Help or rescue your partner ten times.
When you Partner has been grabbed or pinned down by an enemy, get close to them and you'll be prompted to press . This is knock the enemy off of your partner. Do this 10 times in total.
Silent Killer
Use a stealth attack to take down five enemies.
Please refer to "Give a Little Push".
Give a Little Push
Knock ten enemies off a high place.
You'll have to wait for an enemy to be near the edge or next to a railing, Go up behind them and press to push them over. The best place to do this is Chris Chapter 1. You will encounter and Enemy just up some stairs over looking a street. Run up to him and press . Once you have done this restart from check point and do it again.